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RMT - Make the player able to report more efficiently | GMs Server Specific?

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  • #16
    Re: RMT - Make the player able to report more efficiently | GMs Server Specific?

    SE should go undercover and buy small amounts of gil. Once they find out who sends the gil to them, they got all the evidence they need to ban that account for RMT.
    Dig A10; Main: Bonecraft 100+3/subs: 60/Fishing 59.7
    Mules: Cooking 100+3/Alchemy 77.7


    • #17
      Re: RMT - Make the player able to report more efficiently | GMs Server Specific?

      yeah, that sounds good, but SE would never do that, why? because they will have to spend money. which SE, most likely, will not do :/
      WAR75/ MNK45/ WHM38/ RDM6/ DRG13/ RNG42/ BLM21/ THF45 /SAM22 /NIN53 /BRD64 /DRK11 /SMN12/BST28/ PLD13/18 BLU/17 COR/1 PUP

      "The man all the ladies want."


      • #18
        Re: RMT - Make the player able to report more efficiently | GMs Server Specific?

        Originally posted by sevenpointflaw
        GMs have access to logs. Screenshots not needed.
        Correct. GMs have access to everything ever said in FFXI since it's all bits of data that have to be streamlined (streamlined for a lack of a proper word I cannot come with atm) through the servers SE uses for FFXI. Why SE cannot figure out the damned gilsellers w/out our help, or why SE refuses to actually do something about RMT, or why SE even tells us that RMT is illegal while they refuse to enforce it, is beyond me. They have the power, and they have the intelligence.


        • #19
          Re: RMT - Make the player able to report more efficiently | GMs Server Specific?

          Originally posted by Draco Dagon
          Correct. GMs have access to everything ever said in FFXI since it's all bits of data that have to be streamlined (streamlined for a lack of a proper word I cannot come with atm) through the servers SE uses for FFXI. Why SE cannot figure out the damned gilsellers w/out our help, or why SE refuses to actually do something about RMT, or why SE even tells us that RMT is illegal while they refuse to enforce it, is beyond me. They have the power, and they have the intelligence.
          Agreed. How hard would it be to make backups of logs and search them for phrases like, "sell gil"...? And scanning through search results for self-admitting gil sellers could not be THAT hard or time-consuming (which = $$$ consuming). Ah well... we can only wish.
          Character: Bricklayer
          Server: Ramuh
          31 RDM/ 23 BLM/ 20 WHM

